
Not yet a member of the North Devon Hang gliding and Paragliding Club? Here are some benefits we can offer you:

    • For just £25 a year you can fly some of the nicest and most accessible sites in the Southwest.
    • Reciprocal agreements with our neighbours; The Devon & Somerset Condors and the South Devon Hang gliding & Paragliding Club.
    • Active, friendly coaches.
    • Pilot exam lectures and exams organized ready for each new season.
    • Courses arranged for coaching and first aid – new coaches very welcome.
    • Great network of members to keep in touch with for companionship on the hill and on the spot forecasts.
    • Club Telegram group for up to the minute flying information.


£25 for full membership to run from April to April. To join the NDHPC please complete the Online Form below and pay via Paypal.

If you have trouble using the form, please contact us at